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Portal Screen Guide

THE NEW CRTx® Index Portal is a state-of-the-art index analytics platform powered by MF & Co’s proprietary Hyper Neural AI™ and the firm’s Configurator Cube™ process to provide the most innovative index insights, all at virtually the speed of thought.


Portal Home Screen 

Get all the latest CRTx® Index Portal descriptions,

screen updates, and news.

Daily Monitor Screen

Home of the CRTx® Daily Return Summary, a comp-

rehensive matrix of CRTx® Index Suite returns

including CRT tranche-level benchmarks for A1, M1,

M1A, M1B, M2, B1, B2, and 1st loss baskets, as well

as daily, weekly, monthly, MTD, QTD, YTD, 1-Year

Annualized, and 3-Year Annualized total returns.


Lookback Tool Screen

Use the CRTx® Aggregate Index Daily Value Lookback Finder to get historical index levels and prevailing periodic total returns.


Rebalancing Screen

Source for monthly Index rebalancing results, in addition to the comprehensive CRTx® Index Rebalancing Update report and a Rebalancing Report Archive for access to all previous report editions.


Deals/Credit Screen

The CRTx® Index Constituent Deal Structures/Credit Metrics analytic tool allows users to scan all of the GSE CRT constituent deals in the Index for latest key structural features, updated deal measures, and reference pool credit  performance statistics using an advanced Configurator Cube™ framework for answering deal-related questions.


Index Desk Reference™ (IDR) Screen

The CRTx® Index Desk Reference (IDR) is one of the most comprehensive index analytical tools around. The screen includes dynamic indexing within the CRTx® Aggregate basket to get a full-range of risk/reward metrics within the GSE CRT universe including basket market values, total returns, return attribution across market value/coupon/accrual/paydown/writedown/interest shortfall components. In addition, spreads, durations, average lives, and static yields are calculated for comprehensive benchmarking and portfolio management usage.


Basket Guide Screen

Contains the latest CRTx® Index Constituent Eligibility Guide, a breakdown of security level characteristics inclusion/exclusion into the CRTx® Index Suite and all of its sub-indexes.


Terms of Use Screen

By subscribing to, and using, the CRTx® Index Portal, users agree to the CRTx® Index Portal Terms and Conditions.

Screen Updates & Notices

CRTx 2024-09-30 Dark Graph.png


  • New A1, M1A, M1B Sub-Indexes added to the Daily Return Summary monitor screen and subscriber email distribution content.


  • Daily history lookback availability for CRTx® Index Aggregate returns (including daily, weekly, monthly, MTD, QTD, YTD, 1-year annualized, and 3-year annualized percentages) now updated simultaneously with the Daily Return Summary release at the end of every trading day.


  • Latest 2024-09-30 rebalancing analytics and monthly CRTx® Index Rebalancing Report released, added to the rebalancing report archive.


  • The most recently available Index-eligible CRT sector deal info, structure performance, and credit metrics updated for the 2024-09-25 statement/factor/ payment date.


  • Portal Supply Metrics screen now includes A1/M1A/M1B/B1/B2/1st Loss breakdowns. Updated as of 2024-09-30.


  • Full  CRTx® Index Suite data and risk/return analytics updated as of 2024-09-30 month-end.

For information on CRTx® licensing, data usage, and redistribution of the CRTx® suite of indexes, please contact:


Mark Fontanilla

Mark Fontanilla & Co., LLC

255 W MLK Blvd

Suite 2402

Charlotte, NC 28202

C: (201) 213-7168

O: (704) 405-0575



Security pricing and information powered by Refinitiv, an LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) business.

Copyright © 2017-2024, Mark Fontanilla & Co., LLC (“MFCo”). All rights reserved. The information presented herein is protected by United States intellectual property and copyright laws and may not be reproduced, rewritten, distributed, published, broadcast, disseminated, transmitted, displayed, either directly or indirectly, in any medium or incorporated in other electronic or printed works without the prior consent of MFCo. CRTx® is a registered trademark, and RNI™ is a trademark, of MFCo. MFCo and any third-party licensors of its commercial indexes make no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the capability of any index to accurately represent the security asset class or financial market sector that any respective MFCo index intends to represent. MFCo and any third-party licensors of its commercial indexes shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, or interruptions in the calculation or presentation of any MFCo index and its related data. Past performance of an index is neither an indication, nor a guarantee, of future results for either the index, the future results of the securities, or markets the index represents. The material herein does not constitute an offer for the sale of securities or services. Except for MFCo Custom Index Design Services, all information provided by MFCo is for general public dissemination and not specifically tailored for the purposes of any single individual, group, or legal entity. MFCo receives fees associated with the licensing of its indexes to third parties, development and administration of custom indexes, and the provision of index data products and services. An index itself cannot be invested in. Investment exposure to the securities or financial markets that an index represents may be made available via third-party financial instrument or investment vehicle that references the respective index. MFCo does not sell, endorse, promote, or directly manage any financial instrument or investment vehicle that seeks to offer an economic return based on the performance of any of MFCo’s indexes. MFCo is not an investment advisor and does not provide legal or tax advice. For more information on any of MFCo’s index products or other professional services, please visit

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